Church Partnership
St. Columba’s Nursery School is the largest ministry of St. Columba’s Episcopal Church, and in the spirit of hundreds of years of Episcopal educational tradition, welcomes children and families of all faith traditions or none at all.
Our Episcopal Roots
While we welcome children and families from all faith backgrounds, we are aligned with the mission and values of St. Columba's Episcopal Church. We are partners with the Church in our efforts and commitment to be an anti-racist Nursery School, to serve our community, and to end homelessness. We "live God's love" by making a friend a being a friend to all. Service learning and our weekly Get Together (our version of Chapel) are important components of our programming.
Each month, families send in food items and the children put together snack packs with the classroom. We bring the snack packs to Friendship Place, a neighboring non-profit organization that supports people experiencing homelessness, so that can distribute these. Children learn about homelessness and ways in which we can help those who need support. We also engage children and families in an annual holiday drive for underserved children at St. Philip’s Child Development Center in Anacostia, and collect diapers for the DC Diaper Bank.
At Get-Together, the children gather as a community to sing, engage in meaningful read alouds, celebrate birthdays, and are reminded that God loves us all. Get-Together is also a time where the children learn about the importance of being kind to one another and where we celebrate human diversity in all respects.

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Rich Learning and Active Outdoor Play

Would you like more information or an Admission Talk & Tour?
Give us a call today. 202-742-1980