10 events found.
Early dismissal – 12:30
PD afternoon for staff. Only children enrolled in Rest & Play may stay for the full day.
Parent Coffee and Get Together
Parent Coffee and Get Together
Penguin and Lion Class Cocktail Parties
Penguin and Lion Class Cocktail Parties
Talk & Tour – 9:30 am
Please join Julia Berry for a Talk & Tour at 9:30 am in the Great Hall. Please call the office (202.742.1980) or email (school@columba.org) to sign up.
Picture Day!
Picture Day for all students.
Dolphin Cocktail Party
Dolphin Cocktail Party
Bear Cub, Owl and Elephant Class Cocktail Parties
Bear Cub, Owl and Elephant Class Cocktail Parties
All School Halloween Parade – 9:30am/Early dismissal
ALL students dismissed at 12:30 for a staff PD day - NO Rest & Play today.